How To Get Glowing Skin Before Your Wedding

When it comes to our wedding day, we all want to feel like the happiest, healthiest and most confident version of ourselves. Whilst there are many factors that can play into this, one of them is ensuring we look after our body and our skin in the lead up to the wedding day. Not only will doing this have you looking glowy and gorgeous on the day, it’ll also be really beneficial for your general health too.
Below we’ve rounded up just some of the ways you can look after your skin, that you can implement in the lead-up to the wedding and beyond.
Something that many swear by for glowy skin is the importance of remaining hydrated and drinking lots of water throughout the day. Drinking more water is known to help improve your overall complexion and bring more radiance to your skin. The recommended daily amount to drink is between 8-9 glasses, but don’t forget that you can also gain hydration from foods with high water contents too.
2. Avoid inflammatory foods
Some foods are known to cause inflammation within your body and can cause skins issues such as redness, puffiness and acne. As an inflammatory food, it’s best to stay away from sugar wherever possible, as it can cause stress on your digestive system and lead to other skin issues such as breakouts and dark circles too. Another food that it might be wise to reduce your consumption of in the lead up to the wedding is gluten, as it is known to increase acne. Alcohol also has a tendency to dry out your skin too, so make sure you’re not getting too tipsy in the lead up to the wedding!
3. Increase antioxidants, anti inflammatories and Omega 3s
Whilst it’s good to decrease your consumption of some foods, it’s important to increase some of the others! Ideally you want to eat more food that is high in antioxidants to help get rid of toxins in the body, and more Omega 3 fatty acids to help bring more glow to your skin. Food items with these benefits include tomatoes, berries, spinach, carrots, avocados and salmon.
4. Get exercising
There’s absolutely no doubt that physical exercise does such wonders to many aspects of your health, such as physical, mental and skin health. By getting moving, you’re getting your blood flowing to help bring colour to your cheeks and over time, this helps to improve your complexion. The exercise you choose doesn’t have to be super strenuous to get the effect, it could just be simply going for a walk once a day.
5. Wear sunscreen
As a general rule for life, you should be making sure you have a good SPF as part of your daily skincare routine. This not only helps with ageing but also helps you avoid sunburn, sunspots and in some cases skin cancer.
6. Invest in a good skincare routine
Whilst there’s some very expensive skincare products on the market that many of us just simply can’t afford, there’s plenty of amazing mid-range options available to us that are really worth you spending your time and money on. A skincare routine that is tailored to you and your needs can make a lot of difference, especially when you make sure you’re doing it both morning and night.
7. Time your treatments wisely
Have a think in the lead up to the wedding what kind of treatments you’d like to get, and then time them carefully so you don’t cause your skin to react too close to the wedding. For example, don’t have a deep facial really just a few days out, as you may still have some reaction to it on the day of the wedding.
8. Embrace the natural you
Finally, don’t forget that you’re wonderful just the way you are - the things listed above are just simple, natural ways to enhance and embrace that beauty. So pick and choose which ones work for you and don’t feel like you have to go overboard on the preparation, do what feels right for you!